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Flavor Description

Chocolate Carmel Crunch 

Three layers of chocolate cake filled with a Carmel filling and Carmel chocolate crunch inside! So moist So good!


Triple Berry Bliss 

Three layers of fresh moist vanilla cake filled with Blueberry,Raspberry,Huckleberry and American buttercream filling. Its so fresh and screams summer!


Chocolate Chocolate Chip

My most popular cake! So fresh and not over barring of chocolate! Filled with mini Chocolate Chips!



Well if you like churros, You'll definitely like Churro cake cause they're identical! Cinnamon sugar cake with cinnamon filling! So soft and sweet!


Cookies n Cream

Chocolate cake base filled with Oreo crunch's and cookies n cream buttercream filling!


Vanilla + vanilla Strawberry

The perfect Vanilla cake that's so good and fresh! Everyone loves! you can add fresh cut strawberries or keep it plain either way its so yummy!


Raspberry Swirl

#2 of clients favorite! She's so popular! she's fresh moist summery! Vanilla cake with fresh smashes raspberry marbled into the cake! with American buttercream fillling!


Lemon Blueberry 

Fresh strong lemon cake with smashes mini blueberries swirled into the cake! 


confetti cake with confetti buttercream! So popular for kids cakes!

Red Velvet:

Rich red velvet moist cake with American buttercream! A loved cake for sure!




Chocolate Carmel Crunch 


Triple Berry Bliss ( raspberry,huckleberry,blueberry) 


Chocolate Chocolate Chip 




Cookies N Cream




Vanilla + fresh strawberrys 


Raspberry Swirl


Lemon BLueberry




Red velvet 


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